October 15, 2019

*** The idea of Justice ***

Posted by Narayani Karthik at 9:56 PM 2 comments

The idea of justice is hard hitting and crude..

But, the way it unfolds is always a wait that be endured by a strong few...

The wronged ones live with an unsavoury acceptance of an elusive justice...

While the ones that wrong continue to push their luck through loopholes and well spun lies...

What is allowed is what will continue, a reprimand that sings aloud after every landslide of the just and fair....

Some rules must change to question everything loose lest the hope for the just becomes threadbare...

Luck and time, the poker faced pawns of destiny be flirty and ruthless at the same time...

But, push them a tad too much and they jump to zero from the cat's lives nine!

However, the wicked never regret their actions or, the consequences that follow..

For that is how they have risen by stepping on graves with a conscience, rotting and hollow...

The onus lies on ones that let the wrong slide by unquestioned....

For the morally neutral spectators do more evil By consciously averting the attention...

"Will justice prevail?", is an elusive question of the hour...

"It will", says the Universe in the future, near or far!

September 29, 2019

***** How easy, how difficult? *****

Posted by Narayani Karthik at 2:04 PM 0 comments


To express freely and unapologetically, as one feels like...
Is every life's gift ever since it's born....
The freedom to be oneself with no inhibitions...
Brings along a courage to face everything known unknown..

When a baby hurls its toys across in a sheer expression of 'self',
All in the world capture the moment through captivating words and, 'larger than life' lens...
However, the little life grows up naively owning the freedom as it's right...
Little knowing that freedom is a rubix cube filled with many hushed silences and penance...

For later, an honest "I don't like.....", is chided and, replaced with a pretense suppressing dissent...."ofcourse, I like..."
Which again later manifests into diabetically sweet lie, "Ofcourse, I love...."
While the integrity of words begin to rot under the tyranny of social conditioning and dictum..
The soul now struggles to comprehend where it must stand up, and where, must bow!

"How easy, how difficult" will be a daunting question for eternity...
For we are all the choices we make, not all of them happy and sane....
But then there is no right or wrong when it comes to choices,
For diversions on roads are merely detours..., be it right or left, you take!

That said, every direction to action comes with a consequence...
An uninvited guest or, a pleasant visitor that it can choose to be...
It is always the courage of conviction or, the shame of what comes after that....
That decides how far a soul has come along, at helm of arrogance or, down on one's knees!


July 4, 2019

You are not good enough!

Posted by Narayani Karthik at 2:49 PM 0 comments

"You are not good enough", the lady heard the lines, a hundred times...
But, NEVER in words or actions but in, accusatory whines and condescending jibes!

What was she NOT good at?, she pondered over and over....
Perhaps, not clearing away the dining table clutter or, the heap of clothes on the side for a week, yet to be folded....

Declutter, declutter....the words now haunt her day and night....
For she wants to now run away from home and routine, to some strange land out of sight!

Bereft of what she expects are the words 'care' and 'respect' !
She now feels like a deflated soul reduced to a role of some disposable help!

In what words could she explain that, she too would love to have tea served to her, once in a blue moon?
For she now feels her culinary skills are anything but a boon!

Fresh food on the table, fresh clothes for the family, clean bathrooms and, timely beverages at call.. 
"But aren't they her duties?", and the human brain begins nitpicking the unfinished tasks, that are conveniently gargantuan and tall!

"You will never be good enough!", the voice has changed from outside to inside...
As she munches on a half burned toast with tears of shame and, a tattered pride!

But now, she knows what she shall allow is what will continue....
As she wipes those tears of hurt, feeling strengthened and new!

Respect is earned, they say...but then, so is love!
Now, she must make sure that others know that too, steady and slow!

Take care of her in the way she seeks!
And you will get her back in the way you dream!

May 31, 2019

Pregnant fears

Posted by Narayani Karthik at 2:33 PM 0 comments

Realizing too many blessings at times is overwhelming...
For fear of losing them is as strong and unrelenting..

Sometimes, the realization helps better by keeping the feet on the ground...
But at times, it also weakens the core with pregnant fears that make the mind morose and unsound...

People say, get over your fears...for fear is a sign of weakness...
But will they ever know, how much it takes to not let the unknown demons from the mind's harness?

Mind, a contorted abyss can never be explained in mere words of Math and Science...
Even as humans claim to know it all about the submissive body and the unrestrained mind....

While words set me free for a while, I wonder....where do these pregnant fears stem from?
The answers, I believe are linked with my life' purpose, a pandora box of soothing shores and raging storms!

Maybe, pregnant fears follow me for a reason....
To see the unseen, to feel the unfelt...to hear the unsaid...while sailing through every season!

May 18, 2019

The Thing called Hurt

Posted by Narayani Karthik at 10:12 AM 2 comments

Words and emotions are two sides of a coin...
For they rarely walk in tandem, without crossing the line...

When awkward silences are left unhealed....
Hurt manifests like a demon with glee...

And then, when even a small disagreement goes awry...
A can of ugly confrontations hurts the ears and eyes...

How words and actions are perceived, will remain an unsolved mystery....
For minds are universes with intangible galaxies of brewing thoughts and feelings...

Maybe that is why, they say silence is golden when words of hurt embolden....
For silence may not weed out the hurt but, perfectly camouflages the weight of sadness, a formidable burden...

But, even as silence stalls the conflicting emotions and anger from spewing out...
The inevitable truth of unresolved issues will someday, like a canary, sing aloud....

Which is why, words must be filtered before they leave the tongue...
For nothing can repair the impact of hurt, once the words have been flung!



April 24, 2019

Roots : the unseen anchors

Posted by Narayani Karthik at 5:30 PM 2 comments


Somewhere in this journey of life, a lot of events got buried in the Chest called the Past!

For Time & Tide wait for none and, the ride from the Present now seems quite Fast!

Is it those flaccid years of unrespiteful challenges or, years of overrated fun?

It is difficult to choose for life is an unpredictable pun!

To soar high and fly or, to stay rooted for life?

The choice is unsettling in the Destiny's roll of dice!

But then, there comes a time when the need to return back to roots arrives...

And then, the truth dawns that for every step away from roots, there tags along a heavy price!

April 6, 2019

Appeasement : the eighth sin

Posted by Narayani Karthik at 9:37 AM 3 comments



Enough was never enough and, never will be.......
For, greed is a madness that spreads like a plague with a wicked glee!

But, irony strikes midway and, reminds why respect is missing from the scene.....
And then, with all platters filled with accolades, respect seems to be one elusive queen!

The more it is sought with vengeance, the more it evades....
After all, truth is raw and crass and is always delivered in spades!

To stop chasing respect and, start earning it, is the only way....
Because, NO amount of appeasement and arrogance can ever make it stay!

March 23, 2019


Posted by Narayani Karthik at 6:18 PM 0 comments

You are NOT often surrounded by those you would want to choose....
As life sits back, with some popcorn on how you maintain your threshold and, play your ruse!

Such are those moments when you  feel morose and, completely let down...
Because your tryst with your destiny is sailing on a trough, rough and forlorn...

So, you question the Universe , "Why do you hurl at me, the bad eggs everyone despise....?"
While the realization dawns within..that such meetings great or otherwise, are sly chances in the massive roll of the unpredictable dice!

So, you sit and gulp down the dejection and disgust, waiting patiently for some change in the winds...
The same rut and routine continue to manifest in all shades of mundane and, all depressing prints...

The wait therefore begins for the ugly knock on the threshold line.. because there is a lot of anger held at bay...
Once the line is crossed, the games shall change and, every linen will be out on the fray!

"Don't meddle with thresholds of fine people", the wise men say...
Breaching their thresholds is sacrilege as the time shall come for the perpetrators to pay....

Threshold is not to be crossed or touched....., a word of caution to the free flowing winds.....
Because, every one out there is answerable for his great deeds and, infamous sins....

Hope, great positions embrace more of those with character, integrity, humility and intellect..
So that, the motivation to tread the journey uphill burns bright and optimistic in all the generations that line up next..

March 20, 2019

We are all the children of Time

Posted by Narayani Karthik at 12:11 PM 1 comments

Every second, every instant is a strange colour invented by Time..
That comes with a hidden herring in red - Never cross that line!

When the instant arrives, one always assumes he is ready...
But, that is when the tables turn making him unsteady...

While the stairs towards success change strength and sides
Moments of bleak let the hope and faith glide...

And, at some point during the distress call....
One sees along many... testimony to - 'Pride goes before a fall!'

'Moment of epiphany' is what they call it?
Which awakens the soul that lies helpless at the bottom of the pit?

And, in that second it dawns...that
There is no written manual to manouevre the machine called Time..
Because Time never cautions us before we just step over the line!

But, that is how humans are, partly naive and, partly clever....
Impulses are strong as they command...it is - now or never!

Because there is a lot to let go and, a lot to embrace..
After all, Vices and virtues are two halves of the same mysterious face..

March 19, 2019

The thing called arrogance!

Posted by Narayani Karthik at 12:43 PM 1 comments

I watch with attention, the arrogant crowd.
Because they teach you all about life..
With empathy almost empty and, apathy too loud,
They expose you to the ugly world of strife...

They continue to make mistakes, one after the other...
Not knowing when to stop.....
Because ambitions are way too blinding, full of stupor....
That they deliriously chase to save their conniving plot!

With every passing day, I watch the arrogance reach new heights
As they gloat with glee, crossing over every mine they set for others, in order to succeed....
But, time is a strange thing to fight...
Because, it reserves its special rewards regardless of caste and creed..  

I watch with rapt attention now at how high they crave to fly...
And, I look forward to what happens next when they ascend the greatest Himalayan heights...
Will the tyrants reign, or 'eat the humble pie'?
Every life, I learn, good or bad, is indeed a lesson in disguise!


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