
Here is what will add a new dimension to the whole idea of a Girls Gang.
Have something burdening your conscience, reveal it here!
Have done something bold or naughty, say it here!
Have a problem you can't deal with alone, ask for help here. 

This is what confessions is all about..

You can link your posts here. If it is something you need help with, we will be prompt to reply and help you out..

If you are not comfortable revealing your identity while making the confession, drop us a mail at and your post will be here without your name and yes we pledge confidentiality!

Confessions so far!!!!

1.. An Honest Confession
2.. A Blogger's Confession
3.. An Unforgettable Touch
4.. Pages Of My Life
5.. First Post, First Confession
6.. Mistake
7.. Love Or Lust - One Woman Who Lives It All
8.. Decoding Men Who Live In The Loo
9.. Mush From A Not-So Mushy Girl 
10.. Confessions Of A Daughter
11.. O Dil, Bewakoof


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