January 27, 2020

***** Empathy : A lost virtue *****

Posted by Narayani Karthik at 6:18 PM 3 comments

Empathy, the maiden virtue of all times...

The most sought after and least respected of all..

Its presence is neither acknowledged  nor celebrated...

But its absence brings down the world on its knees, with a mighty fall!

Did they say - Blood is thicker than water...??

And that, empathy is inevitable when blood is a connection...??

Just then, exceptions come along to render blood worthless...

And that, blood is nothing but a coloured water, a wasted sentiment...a useless emotion...!

As self wonders, what kind of apathy must eat a man of the above kind?

Who measures his connections based on status, money and clout?

That he cleaves off connections he was born with....

With absolutely no pain or remorse?

Humble beginnings are underrated always...

For none wants to acknowledge the roots...

But time is such a wheel of whim...

When the call comes, it brings one down on his boots!

Currencies, clouts and shallow connections are passing  clouds of dew...

That feel good and soothing for a while until the weather changes its moods...

Never turn your face away from your roots, is what ancestors whisper each day...

For roots is what shall hold you firm through tides and storms, come what may!


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