August 14, 2013

We'll meet again, soon...

Posted by Aditi Ray at 8:34 PM 4 comments
He stood right there, eyes transfixed at her, as she slowly was taken away from him, the train had started speeding up, and he just stood there, at the platform, looking at her, as she stood at the doorway of the train, waving goodbye, smiling with the promise that said, 'we'll meet again, soon!' 

August 8, 2013

Happy birthday Soumya !

Posted by maithili at 8:45 PM 3 comments
                After a long time, it is celebration time on DOV! I m glad that I could make it in time for this Darling's birthday. I know I have been awfully late in wishing others and sometimes even by days :( I hope you all forgive me for not being consistent with the birthdays here. That aside, rise up Darlings and wish the Birthday girl Soumya..
                                        Happy birthday to you..
                                        Happy birthday to you..
                                        Happy birthday dear Soumya..
                                        Happy birthday to you..


               I do not remember when and how
               you joined this page one day,
               All I know you is now
               From what you say..
               The ferocious leo,
                the loving wife
                Sometimes all low,
                Sometimes bubbling with life..

               The blunt truth or the decorative fiction
               Nude emotions or artful depiction,
               Indulging and yet so soothing
               Laid back and yet so encouraging..

              :P I wasn't aiming to write a poetry but I thought this became one and that's kind of awesome :P Firstly because its your birthday and your have graced this page with so many poems.. Second because I did it on spur of the moment :D

               Its been a pleasure reading you and knowing you. Congratulations on all your accolades this month and while you are lusting in august, we darlings here wish you the very best in the coming year.

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