February 16, 2015

The dual face

Posted by Narayani Karthik at 10:27 AM 8 comments
There are times the self wonders
What it feels to be honest and gay
The world is no more the way it used to be
For now, it is full of shades in gray

There is no truth in those sweet words
Which sound more like a bleat from a wolf…..
The smiles and gestures are made of plastic
That tends to hurt worse than the rues

The dual face does not seem to fade
Even as it keeps growing uglier with time
Ask not why there is one such kind
But ask, which face would it be this time

Accept the reality, oh sweet lady
As this, is the order of the day
There will be many such faces you shall see in your time
Just make sure you recognize them, while they come your way!!

February 6, 2015


Posted by Deepa at 12:16 PM 15 comments

Some relationships are strange

Like ours,

Sometimes we are friends
Sometimes we are lovers
Sometimes we are just strangers to each other

Sometimes we can share so many things even in silence
Sometimes even many words don't say anything

Sometimes only "I'm there for you" is needed
Sometimes being there isn't enough
Sometimes "I love you" seems so true
Sometimes "Leave me alone" feels like a lie

Sometimes one hug from you makes the world seem alright
Sometimes even nicest gift from you doesn't bring a smile

Sometimes...in life..relationships are strange..

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