It numbs your mind and scars your soul
When it swings its blade of misery
It chases you like a nasty ghoul
And then, somewhere down the road
You meet a tall white wall
That holds the weight of resistance
Which you try to climb but, receive a tumbling fall!
The thud gives you the moment of truth
The one that you needed but did not want
That it was time to turn back and fight the grief
And finish its agenda of haunts and taunts!
So you turn, with your back pressed against the wall
And, take a deep breath as you stare deep into the eyes of
While it continues to taunt your climbs and falls
You look down at your crusty feet and bruised knees....
With nowhere to go, you close your eyes...
And slowly, the wicked laughter fades away like a withered
You realize your anger as it rises from the ashes....
As to do or die becomes your weapon of power...
Epiphany of a moment it is,
When you startle grief’s verve with your healing scars!
And then, you take the first leap over it like a feisty fawn
Because, the journey is not yet over and, the destination is yet so far!