the chocoloate obsessed PeeVee
PeeVee: Hoh. Finally :P
RED HANDED: give me ten min will u babe? I have never
interviewed someone
Just returned from gym
Let me prepare
PeeVee: LOL. Sure.
me: :D nps..
RED HANDED: What makes you angry?
me: We're starting now? o_O
RED HANDED: sorry that was an interview question
PeeVee :D chill girl... its faaaaaiiiyyn :P
Should I answer that? :P
RED HANDED: no...not now
Interview hasn’t started
PeeVee Heehee okie..
RED HANDED: ok so let’s start?
this is the most not at all prepared interview
PeeVee :) Sure..
RED HANDED: My mother is so inquisitive..she is cleaning
the same place again and again and looking at my screen
RED HANDED: Ok so let’s start now..
PeeVee Okie.
RED HANDED: Why so chocolate obsessed eh ?
PeeVee :D Because I am. Chocolate lifts my mood and it's
gotten me through some dark times. I can't go a day without chocolate,
literally. I know, sounds over-dramatic. But it actually happens to be true.
Very few days go by without a chocolate-peevee romance :D
RED HANDED: so still maintaining the figure? What’s the
PeeVee Have you even seen my FB photos? I'm a mountain.
Ok not so much but pretty close :P I am almost equally crazy about swimming so
maybe that helps? It's nothing I consciously do though for I'm allergic to
gyms/waking up early-walking.
Yeah, yeah... I have a very 'healthy' lifestyle :P
RED HANDED: If you are a mountain then I am a blue whale
So what made you start this blog?
PeeVee Cheers to that :P
The blog? Quite simply, I started it because my then BFF did. And I could
pretend that people read the crap I used to post. Then in June it really caught
on and I was hooked. I love writing. I love the comments, the mails people send
saying they love the way I write, the actual real life friends I make, the easy
banter, how I get to know so much about people I would have otherwise never
met, the feedback I get for my fiction, different styles that other people
follow. But most of all, the writing. I love the whole hoopla of blogging now
And I hear you yawning already :P
RED HANDED: hahaha No I am not yawning. I love you!!
PeeVee Awww, I love you too :D :)
Who or what is your first love and why?
PeeVee HAHAHA :D I will someday :P
Unfair question :) I have too many first loves :)
Too many to pick one..
RED HANDED: I am adamant :D. Answer me!!
PeeVee Ok people - my mother and my guy. And things -
Apart from chocolate, I love books, animals and my laptop. Again, in that
I can't live minus any of these :)
RED HANDED All right, so you are a Mummy's pet and not
Daddy's girl?
PeeVee Nope :) Mummy's attached tail, if you will :)
We're inseparable.
RED HANDED: Rate your blog out of 5
PeeVee Whaaaa? I can't rate my own
blog _
RED HANDED: Self confidence babe...Rate it
PeeVee How can I? YOU rate it.
RED HANDED: I am asking the question here :D
PeeVee :P oh comes on
Chalo.... content - 2.35 layout - 4 :) But a
biased, BIASED rating it is-_-
RED HANDED: :D You are your own greatest critic
So criticize yourself now.. What you hate about
PeeVee Gah. I hate it when you're right :P
My temper. To say it's destructive is an understatement. One thing I
have yet to get a rein on.
RED HANDED: Heh. I cannot imagine a sweetheart like you
boiling away to glory.
So your favourite blogs.
PeeVee :D that's the thing. Most people I
know don't even know that about me. I end hurting the ones closest.
Wayyyyyyyyy too many, darling... :D
Current favourite that I'm digging through the archives is Serenading
Serendipity, though. But there are several favourites that I have, the authors
will know for I don't fail to comment on every single post of theirs.
RED HANDED: So are you a good liar?
PeeVee When it comes to things like where I was and all,
who I was with, like to Mum and relatives? Yes. I'm awesome at making up whole
scenarios WITH proof :P
Serious things? No. One I'm lying to will see right through my clumsy fumbling.
Serious things? No. One I'm lying to will see right through my clumsy fumbling.
RED HANDED: Your guy is lucky then, super lucky. Okie so
how about some funny questions now.
PeeVee :D
RED HANDED: If you were a car, what kind would you be and
PeeVee One second eh. I'll show you the picture..
PeeVee http://pokycars.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/9e0ae_Audi__753641429_61e982628a.jpg this. Audi
Quattro, r8... sigh sexy stuff, that.
But you know, I prefer bikes to cars:D
RED HANDED: why do you think you are that car?
PeeVee It's sleek and fast. And always on track.Great
brakes.And a show-stopper. All I want to be :)
RED HANDED: Ah sizzling!
PeeVee Thank you :D
RED HANDED: If Hollywood made a movie about your life,
whom would you like to see play the lead role as you?
PeeVee Ooooh, interesting
question! Lemme see...I'd probably want Emma Watson. For she can be down to
earth and glamorous at the same time... And she's almost exactly my age, a bonus.
RED HANDED: Oh nice choice! And what type of a movie will
it be?
PeeVee Hands down a romantic comedy with stress on the
comedy. One fight scene and burning cars twice through the movie. Plenty of hot
guys but only one actual sweet sa, hot sa hero. End will be sad though. I might
even choose to die, just for the extra senti-senti :P
And NO punch dialogues whatsoever _ Had
enough of them :P
RED HANDED: LOL dramatic eh!!!!
PeeVee That's me :D
RED HANDED: If you were a superhero, what superpowers would
you want
PeeVee MIND-READING!!! For sure. I've been fascinated by
what Jean-Grey can do. And invisibility like Kitty. I wouldn't mind being Rogue
or Wolverine sometimes :)
RED HANDED: best of everything!!
if aliens landed in front of you and in exchange of anything you desire,
offered you a posiion in their planet, what would you want?
PeeVee As in they'll give me something I want but take me
with them?
RED HANDED: no they want you to give up something you really
desire and give you a position in their planet
PeeVee Erm as in I have to give up something I love?
RED HANDED: Yes, so that the aliens give you a position in
their planet
PeeVee Chocolate probably. Easier giving it up than
people, I suppose...
RED HANDED: So you wouldn’t think twice if you are given a
chance to stay forever in their planet.
PeeVee Oh like that... I thought it was compulsory that I
go, HELL no, I wouldn't. I'd just tell them to take a cow or something :P
RED HANDED: Hhahhah ok so Miss PeeVee tell us why were you
so low in your post http://priyankavictor.blogspot.com/2011/12/subtle-winds-of-change.html
PeeVee Ahahahaha.... can we not go there?
It's kind of an amalgamation of events that I don't really want to relive...
RED HANDED: All right, no one likes to do that..so I
understand :)
PeeVee Thank you :)
RED HANDED: If you had only six months left to live, what
would you do with the time?
PeeVee Month 1: Tell all the people who have made a
difference in my life that I love them, they mean a lot.
Month 2: Make sure I attend to my responsibilities
which are a very, very many.... Or get someone to take care of them.
Month three: Get married.
Month four: Spend the whole time with my family.
Month 5: Pack my bags and go out into the world and do everything that I
have always wanted to. Get stone drunk and wasted, jump off a cliff, meet
famous people, tell Mila Kunis how sexy she is, slap some people who irritate
the crap outta me, eat French baguettes and cheese with fine wine, go see every
place that I have ever read/heard about, revel in having lived so long.... you
get the point..
That's Month 5 & 6.
RED HANDED: Haahahahah count me in for the Month 5 and
PeeVee :D sure..
RED HANDED: Now the Rapid fire part. Just YES/NO
all right?
PeeVee Be nice, please? :P
RED HANDED: Let me think of the questions first :P
PeeVee Lol, okay..
RED HANDED: Ever regretted being in love?
PeeVee Yes.
Can I explain?
PeeVee COME ON!! :P
RED HANDED: We women always want to give explanations!!!
PeeVee But people will thetidherichifyna..
RED HANDED: Ever been told by someone how horrible a person
you are?
PeeVee YES. Recently.
RED HANDED: Wanted to kill somebody?
PeeVee Yes.
Oh my, I'm suchavillian.
RED HANDED: stolen anything..excludes HEARTS
PeeVee No.
RED HANDED: Hurt somebody just because it felt good?
PeeVee Yes. I aim to hurt when I am hurt.
RED HANDED: I like you!! I wish I was a man
PeeVee :D
Thank you..
RED HANDED: Been jealous of someone in the virtual world?
PeeVee TONS of people, you wouldn't
Erm... I meant yes.
Erm... I meant yes.
PeeVee :P I tell you..
RED HANDED: All right, the interview ends due to lack of
questions. But I guess this was the longest interview ever. 5 DAYS LONG :D..The
interviewer and interviewee are very busy people :P
PeeVee LOL, I'm so very sorry about that... I'm not very
busy but somehow we kept missing each other online...
And this was fun :P Thanks..
RED HANDED: I am a very bad interviewer, I am sorry
Oh btw you got anything to say to the readers?
PeeVee Shaadaap...you're not.
PeeVee To the readers?
Just merci, merci for having given me so much confidence in what I write, in who I am. Specifically to wonderful people I made friends with Maithili, Spiff, Laddu, Poopy, Chandana, Phatichar, Meoww, Dragon, Red, AS, Sushmit, Akila... so many of you...
Just merci, merci for having given me so much confidence in what I write, in who I am. Specifically to wonderful people I made friends with Maithili, Spiff, Laddu, Poopy, Chandana, Phatichar, Meoww, Dragon, Red, AS, Sushmit, Akila... so many of you...
OH OH... Chintan, Suruchi, CS, Supernickk too.. And so sorry if I
have forgotten someone :(
RED HANDED: hehe CUTE you are...
Special Thanks to Red Handed for doing this interview.. We would have missed the December interview if you hadn't done this one..
Thanks a ton babe :)
Thank god that this interview is up!
I thought you must've forgotten or something like that! *phew*
6 months wala answer was really witty! And that car *drools* *sigh*
And, even I'm mummy's attached tail! :D
It was really nice! I must say! Loved knowing you PeeVee! :*
Thank you Red for such an awesome interview! :D
Yay! Finally Peevee's interview!
Its hard to decide who is being more funny here.. the interviewer or the interviewee :P
Loved the rapid fire.. and loved the interview! :D :D
But I think me and Pinx will break the record for the longest interview ever... we both make an awesome busy and lazy team ;)
Oyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I am red in shame :( I sound so stupid out here...All reputation gone...tht is if I had one :P
PeeVee is one cute gal.I wish I was a man!A straight man!
I so enjoyed reading this interview. The questions were really good. Well done Red! :*
And of course answers to those questions were even more interesting.
It was great to know you better PeeVee. =)
Loved this one :) Most favorite I can say.. The questions and answers were really good... Witty and Smart.. Great Interview Red Handed and PeeVee :)
Lovvveedd the interview! :P :P
God! you guys are soooo funny! :D
I was like ':O' wen i saw Red is interviewing PV! :P
hehe.. i can't believe u cannot go without a chocolate a day! :P :P
"I aim to hurt when I am hurt"
Where did this fireball come from?;-)
Absolute rapchik interview...you know sometimes the quickies are more fun than the real thing-aisa he hue is case mein...both of you gals are having so much fun, just effrtlessly chatting, that it comes across...
and woh explanation jo Red ne nahi dene diya na Pee Vee, mereko de de yahan...get it off your chest...
and if you gals are mountains and whales, I am wondering if I should be called a mini-planet:(
a masssssssssst
a masstt masst massttt
RED...you have done naaaaaaiiice
and PeeVee...it was super waaah...knowing yeh more..
and dahling..your feelings are full mutual gurll..
yours truly is really very very happy knowing you..:):):)
cheers to you both
@RED..stop calling yourself a blue whale..i shall come there and whack your bum (no kinky thinking *amen*)
@PeeVee..love you baby...and give one tight muahhhhhh and huggy to loulyy MICA ^_^
OK I'm first hanging my head in shame...Maith no fair, I was gonna put up the interview today after somehow managing to finish the rapid fire with C...it's like we are living in different time zones...she is awake all night and I wake only to pee!!! But interview would have happened OK, if not by 3rd week defi before the clock struck 12 on 31st, right C, back me up here will you?
So now that I've washed the guilt, PV my twiny, I'm your numer uno pankha girl, I might not show it enough but you know it's true so I should be mentioned ahem let's see atleast 3rd!!! I'm in for month five and six too...we'll have such a blast..please make it family & friends OK.
@Red: You managed what I couldn't this entire month :'(...I was supposed to finish an interview too but Maith is good huh, she keeps backups just in case!!! Anyhoo only like 2 naughty questions Red, what is this I say. It was PV the fun gal who we all wanna hit on just like we all wanna hit on Spiff right?
@ KW, :)
@ Chandana, :P funny part is neither of us were tryna be funny:D Waiting for yours. give us the dirty details;)
@ Red, for the nth time SHADAAAAAAP, you did just fine.
And oh *blush, blush* :P
@ V, Keia, thank you:)
@ Viya, I can't, it really is an OCD:P
@ Suruchi, :P I TOLD you I'm not all that nice!
Thank you:)
:P kitni acchi ho aap, always tryna get me to confess :P
YOU SHOULDN'T TALK > you have Seeya and you STILL look like you're in your twenties-_-
@ meoww, :D thanks love..
@ Pinx, aww, thanks girl..
Yes yes, I'm a very wonderful person. Pakshe enikku athinde ahangaaram onnum illa tto. :P
(For those who didn't understand that bit, it means "But I have no airs about it" or "But I'm not arrogant about it)
And hello, if you're a mountain, then what am I re? :/ I'm at home right now, and my mom, keeping with the spirit of Christmas, is stuffing me like a turkey. By the time I get back to Hyderabad next week, I'll be as big as Shakila.
nice interview.. great to know more about one of my fav bloggers . :) Thank you Red Handed
Spiff, :P Ahangaram ondengilum athu kaanikyaarillane ullu :D
And you're three kilos lighter, you can't compare yourself with me ok?:P
@ Sunitha, did you say 'favorite'? *jumping around in undisguised glee*
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