She wanted her interview to be up on her birthday month.. We know her as the Dragon or Pinx.. Known as the bindaas Dragon or skinny Dragon and also DIGS, she came on to give the longest interview on Darlings of Venus and show us the multi dimensions of her personality.. Read on to know more about her..
Maithili: hey priyanka, welcome to the interview!
Priyanka: ok so is this
officially starting
Maithili: yes this is the official starting!
Priyanka: word of advice, please
do spell check before this goes up I'm horrible with spellings on chats
Maithili: I always do :)
Priyanka: ok now please do bear in mind
that this poor soul
has lost her phone and is feeling all lonely
and sad so
no tricky questions
Maithili: That is entirely up to me madame :)
Priyanka: damn it I thought I could use that card one last time before
this year ends
Maithili Hehe now you can't now :) So let's start with your
blog name.. Coloring life purple all the way.. So what all have you colored purple?
Priyanka: ok...well I have coloured my walls purple, my name tag at my
office desk, my I phone's case, my wallet, a huge chunk of my wardrobe and accessories
collection and my blog in various shades of it and I hear that I’m also shading
some other blogs purple of late ;)
anything that I see
purple you can place a bet I'll have it, from bathroom chappals to a purple
and everything
Maithili So tell me in one word the connection between you and purple..
What's that you identify with the color?
Priyanka: royalty
Maithili That was a good answer :)
Priyanka: thanks m'lord :P
Maithili Moving on, why are you called Pinx then?
Priyanka: ok I'm called a lot of names but I do hate it when people
shorten my name to Pri or Priya...some of my closest friends call me Pinku,
my nose goes all pink when I cry or get really angry...well it used to when I
used to be on the fairer side when I was younger. Guess that shortened to Pinx
somewhere along the line
Maithili Now tell me what is the reason you call
yourself dragon in the skin of goat?
Priyanka: OK. I think lots of
people have asked me this and I like the cool name it got me DIGS :P...but I
diverge. most of you know that I'm very fiery and some of you do acknowledge
the courage and the strength the dragon has always been this inspiring creature
to me and added with the air of mysticism there was a very strong appeal for me
to chose to be a dragon girl :D on the goat, it's
a) because I m a capri
and super-duper one at it
b) I can be very
very meek and cute like the goats at times
c) When some people
see me, they see a petite girl, some think she is vulnerable so needs to be
protected, others think she is one teensy little thing who can be stepped over
anytime. Both times they awaken the dragon in me and she can be quite
intimidating at times
Maithili well that's quite a story behind your name..How
did you land into blogosphere?
Priyanka: I loved writing when I was growing up I would score the
highest in class on my essays
I'd write
about anything and everything I used to have this favourite spot on my terrace
where I would sit in the evenings and write short stories mostly fiction but
in college I let that take a back seat then work happened and I got really busy
making a career out of it I couldn't spend much time for hobbies for sometime
and I really wanted to get back to that, couple of my friends who had read my
stuff said it would be a good idea to start blogging I started in 2008 but then
I got bugged this year has been a year of revelations to me and I thought I
might as well start that again...I haven't even gotten to 40 percent of what I
used to be like with words before but I hope to get there in 2012. For now
the pen and paper seem to be my best buds and Maith fair warning, 4 years of
engineering made me extra good with essay type questions so my answers will be
extra long
Maithili This turns out to be a short story my dear :) Don't
worry I m good at editing by now :)
Maithili so tell me which was the weakest moment of your
Priyanka: hmm...I slapped somebody who mattered so
much to me over something not-so trivial
this was
about 4 years ago
Maithili why do u feel you were weak there?
Priyanka: because that's not me, getting physical and letting go of myself
like that publicly was humiliating to me and that person
Maithili Do you forgive people when they regret their mistakes or you hold
the grudge for life time?
Priyanka: I don't forgive easily, I might forget after a time but
forgiveness is something I keep hidden deep down I do hold a grudge but
not for a life time, nobody is worth that much of my time
Maithili That's the attitude :)
Tell me what's the quickest way to your heart?
Priyanka: being sincere and
puppy-dog eyes
Maithili That means you value honesty a lot.. What would
you do if someone uses lies to get to you, but really does value you in his/her
Priyanka: if somebody does value anybody in life, they will shed the
lies sometime we all have lied, for different reasons and under different
circumstances.I don't think it's a sin to lie and I don't banish people out of
my life for lying but I do value people who can be sincere with and around me. I
can't stand fake people
Maithili what do you feel is better, using bad words to vent out anger or
using one's cunningness to get even but keeping a sweet façade and why?
Priyanka: ok I'm a binary person, I don't believe in being half and half. I
also don't like grey for this reason cussing is something which relieves
my tension at times while at other times smoldering inside and delivering the
blow at the right time has its benefits too. I don't think either are better or
good. they just are necessary at times for some people who could do with a hi5,
in the face, with a chair ;)
eh did I answer
the above question in that answer?
Maithili:Your answer talks about
how you would deal and not how you would want to be treated.
Priyanka: well I do believe in
'do unto others as you wish others to do unto you'
now does
that answer it?
Maithili yes! if u had the choice to be reborn as an animal, which
animal would u want to b?
Priyanka: if not a dragon, a black jaguar
Maithili why?
Priyanka: I don't think I need to repeat the dragon sermon again, but I'll
explain the Jag.
I loved Bageera when I
was a kid but then the black jag appeals to me a LOT!!! It's classy, sleek,
elegant (both the car and the animal that is) and I've always wanted to look
straight into the eyes of a black panther and stare right back holding my
I do hope
I can do that before the world ends!!!
Maithili wow you have already thought of this answer
Priyanka: well it is my favorite
animal but no I hadn't thought of at least putting the answer this way
it was
Maithili what similarities do u share with the other Priyanka aka PeeVee
Priyanka: ok I have a post on
that on my blog. she's soooooooooo good with words. sometimes I wanna
cheat and make her wanna write my posts, I used to be that good with words. we
both love cliches, chocs, randomness and yes our names we are twins without
sharing the DNA but I think we share the passion for a good read and some
quality time with friends, family and extended family (read animals)
Maithili: ok here we take a
Priyanka : Alright
Maithili chalo since I hv found u online
lemme start wid rapid fire first!
Priyanka: is too late to go
Maithili yes
Priyanka: bring it on
Maithili alright so be quick and answer in one word :)
Priyanka: I'll try it's pathologically
not possible but I'll try my best
Maithili good, rest will be edited :D
Priyanka: why am I not
Maithili because you know this is an interview and not
your biography: D
Priyanka: but please be aware my keyboard is a little screwed up so some
of the keys need a little extra love so do account for that in the answering
Maithili alright..before my net gives up: P lemme start!
Priyanka: hey my biography will
be in purple
Maithili ok since u r not listening: P what makes you proud of yourself?
Priyanka: my confidence
Maithili what feature of yours you would want your
future child to have (physical that is)
Priyanka: my waist line
Maithili one thing you love about being an adult
Priyanka: having the money to
buy as many candies as I want that was lame but I really don't like being an
adult :(
Maithili aww.. what was the most precious thing to you
when your were a kid?
Priyanka: my kuala teddy. he was prefect..grey sure
but he was perfect
Maithili what was the best vacation you had till date and with whom?
Priyanka: my stay in UK this
April with my loved one
Maithili :D
one aspect of your loved one that you really
want to change
Priyanka: stop being so annoyingly practical a girl
deserves some romance
Maithili celebrity you fantasized about as a teenager
Priyanka: my mind is blank at this but it can't be the case. ARjun Ramphal
is the best bet
Maithili wow this was completely unexpected: O
Priyanka: really!!!
Maithili have u been ditched by a guy?
Priyanka: very much yes
Maithili something about you that your parents have NO
idea of!
Priyanka: when I actually
started dating
Maithili what is the first thing that attracts u to the
opposite sex?
Priyanka: good diction
Maithili person who most influenced the way you are
Priyanka:'s been me
who had taught me
Maithili do you have any phobias? if yes then what?
Priyanka: Acrophobia: fear of height
Maithili what do you enjoy most about being a girl?
Priyanka: the fact that I can have 267 pairs of shoes and still feel I
don't have the right pair of silver pumps when I need them.. the list is
always endless
Maithili what do you think is most girly about you?
Priyanka: I love tiny things and I can't but help say
'awww so cute, I wan I wan'..I even have the shoe collection from my barbies
preserved because they are so cute and young ones of any species, even if they
are lizards (yuck) are so adorable
Maithili now that’s a
very girlie side of the bindaas dragon!
Priyanka: aha aha
Maithili : mumma's girl or daddy's darling?
Priyanka: neither actually but
if I had to pick one I'd say I talk more to my mother than father
Maithili :) so that makes you little bit of mumma's girl :)
Priyanka: maybe but I see her with my sis and I know what mumma's girl
actuallly means
power cut
Maithili oh lord I m so glad we r done with rapid fire :)
that was a fiery rapid fire :)
Priyanka: achievement! I didn't stumble on any
Maithili fiery in speed: P and madame your girlie side was quite a
Maithili ok.. so now the last ones...
Priyanka: drum roll
Maithili Tell me the qualities you were looking for in
your partner and how much do they match with your special someone
Priyanka: ok he has to be a male version of me, liberal, confident,
understanding, intellectual and hard core romantic
my guy.... eh 3 out of
the five I’ve said here
Maithili: This month's
discussion was about the art of giving and being your birthday this is the perfect
question to ask, "What is the best gift you have received so far(should
not be a person) and what makes it so special ?
Priyanka: I once received a box full of gifts from a friend, it had a lot
of things: chocs, stuffed toy, accessories,stationery, cosmetics, a poem,
tagged with a label and each said why that gift had been given to me. The gift
made me smile and made me cry; made me smile because I actually got something
which wasn't straight out of a counter, made me cry that I had somebody in my
life who was that thoughtful and wonderful. I've already told about my fixation
with tiny things and this box had loads of them. It was so very personal and
didn't feel materialistic at all. It to date remains my best gift ever

Maithili: Have
you ever thought of or attempted to kill yourself?
Priyanka Haven't we all at some point in our lives? With what I have
gone through so far, there have been times when I've been so dejected with life
that this thought has occurred several times to me. I've always said feeling
lonely is worse than being lonely and whenever I feel lonely I do think of
that. Sometimes I want to wait for the night to pass and the dawn to arrive
sometimes I'm just plain lazy and don't try anything stupid.
When you look back into the years, what is the biggest mistake you have made?
Priyanka I've trusted some people too fast and I've
left those experiences ruin my other relationships. I do have trust issues now,
I used to be an easy going extrovert who isn't really an introvert now but is a
little wary around people. Everybody judges and I shouldn't have beaten myself
about it, but I did and it's caused me a lot of pain and still does. I
shouldn't have let my happiness be ruled by others but I did.
Maithili:.If your life so far is documented, what would you like the last
lines to be?
Priyanka Life
is very simple; we humans tend to complicate it. The greatest mistake you can
make in life is to continually fear you will make one. Never regret anything,
because at one point you wanted it. Live and let live.
Being your birthday and also the first day of the year, what do you wish this
year to give you?
Priyanka I've
been going through a lot lately. 2012 I'm told is the year of the Dragon and I
couldn't hope but believe it. It's gonna be a year of changes, big ones at it,
but before that even happens, I need to find my inner peace.
I wish this year would restore love in my life the way it is meant to be and I
finally decide the path I'll choose for my life ahead.
Is there anything that you would like to tell the darlings at venus?
Priyanka Darlings and FL, it's been a great journey in
the past 3 months here at D.O.V. I've earned your respect, got your love and
shared your minds. I couldn't have asked for more :D. Oh wait I can ask,
comment on my posts!!! The last post had only 2 comments, lazy lazy people
Thanks Maith for this and everything so far at D.O.V. It's a wonderful B'day gift, will show you my appreciation personally when we meet :D :D :D. Thanks to MSM, Keirthana, Ads, V, PV, Red, Chan, Khusboo and Spiff for being such darlings to me, you guys have made me feel so warm and welcomed, I consider myself lucky to have come across you guys and your blogs :D
Thanks Maith for this and everything so far at D.O.V. It's a wonderful B'day gift, will show you my appreciation personally when we meet :D :D :D. Thanks to MSM, Keirthana, Ads, V, PV, Red, Chan, Khusboo and Spiff for being such darlings to me, you guys have made me feel so warm and welcomed, I consider myself lucky to have come across you guys and your blogs :D
Now darlings, time to sing the birthday song for our dear dragon / Pinx
Happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday dear Pinx,
happy birthday to you...
From old friends and new,
May good luck be with you
and happiness tooo !!
Here's your purple Birthday cake!
May good luck be with you
and happiness tooo !!
Here's your purple Birthday cake!
That was a craaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy interview!!!
@DIGS- I never knew this nickname of urs :P My apologies...m a slow learner :D...and u want ur kids to hv ur waistline eh??Gooooood choice :D A strong confident chick I see in u..HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU GIRL!
@Maithili- What shud I say!! Great Interview!
@Red: Aunty have you not seen the signature on my blog what mole...too much gym going has reduced the dedecution capabilities ain :P or was it for the DIGS? Supernickkkk coined DIGS for me cool na :P...
Many Danks for the wishes. Why have you been MIA on my blog BTW? Get the akon face there soon OK? And yeah I want the girl to have my waist line. Period. nothing else will do.
Wow! That was one helluva interview :)
Love knowing more about you, DIGS! I admire your confidence. You are an icon of power to me :)
Happy Birthday girl! *Hugs*
ohmygod!! Aweesommeee D! :)
soooo many things! .. Literally man! 'great things come in small packages' ;)
aappppyyyy buuhhdddaaayyyyy!!! :D
i hope u had a great day! And appyyy neuu ear! :D *to the year of the dragon*! :D
lovedddddddddd eeeeeeeeeeet
a super happy birthday my sweetheart..:):):)
one helluva fantastic interview..:)
and yeahh happy new year as well..!!!
see you sooner in ummbai love..:)
cheers !! are just awesome at this u know hon..:)
cheers !
@Keirthana: Icon and all too much ma...I'm happy that you consider so but I don't really think I'm worthy of that. Thanks for the wishes. Have a fab year ahead. And if and when we do have a blogger's meet which might be in Bangalore I'd love to see meet you.
@V: You would totally understand the fascination with tiny things :D. Thanks for the wishes V. Yappy new year to V and VK too. Now that the new year is here, my post madame?
@Ads: Sirf wishes thodi hi chalega, mera gift kaha hai???? Sure sweetz we'll have a blast when we meet, can't wait to see how the Khi khi khi girl ;)...BTW Ads this comment was not metre long...what yappened...yevrything wokay?
@Maith: Thank you so much for making my B'day so special. The effort you took with the questions,colouring my answer purple, the B'day song (it's awesome) and the pruple cake to topit very thoughful of you, just what I needed to zap outof the crappy mood of 2011 :D :D :D....Thanks a ton again hon...
Love and Hugs
<3 <3 <3
It was for DIGS btw...and I shall visit ur space soon. I skipped every post of every blog I follow which dealt with 2011 or 2012 or poems or deep stuff. Tuk a break.
wow..can we pass that waist line to friends too?
This was one cool interview and for some reason I always thought you were barely out of your teens-this madam is an engineer and with some 267 shoes???????
I loved the last are beautiful...and yes a very strong person for that petite frame:-)
I always liked how symbolic the name Dragon is...
Happy Birthday and wish you all the joys and love in life..and yes, more UK trips:-)
@Red: Wokays. Why break though from specifically those things?
@Suruchi: You've beem MIA for long, sab theek thak hai? I don't mind passing on the waist line but I'm not sure just how yet. And yep I'm not just an engineer, I'm also a working lady with 4 years of work ex :D. But yeah I do look like a teen still which is a good thing most of the times :D
I wouldn't call myself beautiful, but Danku for thinking so. B'day was low key this year and the new year seems to be going slow pace as well :( but more UK trips would be a dream come true :D
nice interview
and ya engineering helps in writing a lot
we can write a full page on a single word and more important most of the time we doesn't know the meaning of the word.
happy b'day 2 u
@ D : mailin it to u soon.. the new year dint really have a great start.. :| .. hold on..
That was a nice interview.. :)I love these interview posts because they tell you so much about the bloggers themselves...Belated Happy Birthday Ms Dragon.
very interesting interview Maithili. so many facets of the blog & the person behind it covered :)
here's wishing her a great bday month & both of u super success for ur respective blogs in 2012
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