September 1, 2011

The girl next door

Posted by Viya ;) at 11:05 AM
"Wow! She looks so gorgeous! I dunno how she manages to look so pretty each and every single day."

" Would you dare to leave home without make-up? " a voice asks 3 women in a branded Advertisement.
And when i asked myself that question, I was like "don't I?". In this era where Kohl and lip-balm are hardly considered make-up ( according to me at least! ) Whether you have 2 mins or 20 mins, you automatically put them on and rush out. Its like when you get up in the morning, you brush your teeth and then continue with rest of the chores, as soon as i'm done with bath, I sub-consciously apply the lip balm and adorn the eyes with kohl.

I'm one of the girls who's make-up "kit" consists only of a lip-balm, Eye-pencil/ Kohl and lip-gloss ( only when i'm in the mood for a li'l more than the usual look ) . I've hardly used the eye shadows and shimmer, blush, mascara ( I used to love the transparent mascara once upon a time ) and i def. appreciate the girls who take time and effort to dress themselves up.

There are few girls even without make - up look so pretty and there are few who look hideous due to the overdose of all the make- up products. There's this one classmate of mine who puts make-up like crazzzyyy and many of us make fun of her because of that. One day i went and asked her why does she have to doll up so much for college?! and her reply was " Dolling up is the only thing that motivates me to come to college." .. I really din't know how to react to that. And when i was recently looking at all the pictures from the beginning of our college days, she was the only one who looked pretty and beautiful in ALL the pictures! The rest of us had all kinds of expressions, tired and mucky , literally showing our disgust after being forced to stand for pictures after a tiring case study session of buildings. That's when it hit me!
I used to look at pictures of my mum and grand mum of their college days and make fun of their friends and the way they dressed up and realized few years down the lane, I mite have a kid who's gonna do the same to me and i don't wanna be one of the girls who looks crappy in the pictures. No matter how much ever you try to record your life with memories by writing, Pictures and videos will def refresh your memory better and when i'm sitting with my grand kids some day watching all these videos or looking at the pictures, i want to be  asked " How did you manage to look pretty all the time? ".
I remember my great-grandmother who used to literally annoy us by telling us to " keep your chin low".. "don't show so much teeth when you're smiling" ... "sit straight".. "Cross your leg only at the ankle when you're sitting on the chair".. Man! We used to get so frustrated when she used to tell us these things and as we grew older, the girls in our family were appreciated by the 'gossip aunties' for our manners which we had sub-consciously followed. I can't thank my great- grandmum for "disciplining" us from such a young age.
I look at all her youth pictures with awe. So simple and elegant and there's something so royal about each and every picture. I guess it was all due to the 'English Convent' schooling with the British women and the strict rules of the Indian women of her family. What a classy lady she was!

Yep! That's how i want to be known by my future family generation too! :)

Just take few minutes everyday to enhance your pretty self. Even though we mite not achieve the "perfect" look, at least by using a simple kohl and lip-balm you can look even more prettier. Obviously we all love ourselves the way we are. This is just for a memory someday your gonna look back upon.

Live.Love.Treasure the memory! ;) 


CookieCrumbsInc. on September 1, 2011 at 1:22 PM said...

So true. Not all of us look perfect all the time. A little make up and a little care will go a long way, in not only making us look pretty and feel good about ourselves but also build our confidence in the long run:)

Chandana on September 1, 2011 at 2:51 PM said...

Completely agree! A 'lil something' is enough to add that charm.. you dont need to go overboard doing it :)

maithili on September 1, 2011 at 4:43 PM said...

OMG you really made me concious now! I dont wear make up to college (read lip balm that is barely visible till I get through that train!!)other than kajal. I love dolling up but then if you are always looking good no one notices the special day you dress up for ! :P :P
But yes now on I will pay attention to these small things

Viya ;) on September 1, 2011 at 10:05 PM said...

Aww.. :) :) I'm glad you guys liked the post..
All those lil things we seem to ignore in our hectic schedule or so-called-busy life!

Vinati on September 1, 2011 at 11:16 PM said...

Oh even I have a girl in my class who does the same things but I never dared to ask her the reason and yes, she doesn't even look pretty with those layers of make-up. So the need to ask dies there itself :D
Nice post, Viya! :)

Suruchi on September 2, 2011 at 1:00 AM said...

Just very nicely reasserted what I believe in-we should never take ourselves for granted and let others do the same...:-)

Viya ;) on September 2, 2011 at 4:50 PM said...

@ Vinati : oh boy! I hate those kinda girls.. such wannabes! :P
@ Suruchi : very true.. We should never take ourselves for granted.. :)

Red Handed on September 7, 2011 at 7:51 PM said...

Kajal..lipbalm to go...and some gloss if the day is a bit extra special..heh!
Some chicks have their face all caked up to such level that your can crack open those masks!

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