Here's celebrating the very first birthday on our blog ;)

Wish you a very Happy Birthday Red Handed !
May you have a rocking day!
May you have wonderful times with your tweeting-loving-fighting boyfriend ;)
May you make more lists and blog !
May you become more secretive and yet give more hints ! Come on we know every little detail of your life now except for your name! We know your lungi clad hostel uncle, we know your brat of a bro (hey you put up his pic! No privacy for him kya??) , we know the color of your room walls and the awesome eyes you got !!
Okay I could go on and on about you but sorry I got Anatomy exam :P so some other time!
Anyway have a great time Red
Here's wishing you a very happy birthday and a happy long life ahead from all of us at Darlings of Venus :)
Lol =D
HappY birthday red :P
That was just the sweetest thing ever! I cudnt reply yesterday since net was having trouble. I love you Maithili for making me smile the scariest of all smiles on my bday.Love you and i mean it.
Thank you Darlings of Venus!!
Aman!! Thank you so much!
Aww... Happy birthday Red! Hope you have a wonderful beautiful day! :)
Thankyou so much! Made my day brighter!
Happy Birthday from me too...and may all the wonderful things that Maithili said come true:-)
Just goes to prove btw that all good things are born in September;-)
Have a rocking day and a memorable year
Happy wala birthday Red :)
Hope you are having a greatttt time! ;)
@Suruchi- Hhahahaah i guss even you were born on September?Thankyou!!!
@Vinati- Thankyou my girl!!
@Viya- love!Thankyou!
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