October 21, 2011

Getting candid with Suruchi

Posted by maithili at 9:13 PM
Time for the much awaited interview..
This month we have Suruchi as our Darling of the Month.. 
A teacher, a blogger and someone who leaves a smile on your face.. 
We got her for the interview in between her teaching time, feeding her daughter and her busy schedule of full time motherhood!

                                                  that is Suruchi for you.. ain't she just gorgeous?

suruchi arora : hellooooooooooo
maithilibhatnagar : Hii finally we managed to start this!
suruchi arora : yes and you got me on chat after ages-rekindling fond memories

Maithili: I was actually going through some of your posts all day to get some good questions
Suruchi: Oh my god-poor you.
Suruchi: And I was wondering what would I come up with about the usual questions-like why I started blogging and all...phew!
Maithili: Well then there’s been good amount of planning on both sides-this should be fun. Let’s see who takes whom by surprise.
Suruchi: MSM's interview was superb-smooth, flowing and intriguing, it's difficult to match up those standards. Madam, you started with the home run.
And no planning really, so if I say something very classy and oh-so-actressy I will be so pleasantly surprised
Maithili: Oh don't worry, you have to be just YOU to make this great!
Suruchi: *hugs*Now that's why I loooooooooUve DOV
Maithili: *hugs back*
Maithili: So now we can start our interview
Suruchi: Yes, before I blabber more on the starting itself.

Maithili: Suruchi means good taste right?
Suruchi: Yes-a good taste, a good interest-basically anything "good" gets copyrighted here.
Maithili: Ok so let’s hear something about your tastes then!
Suruchi: You mean apart from the chocolate bar that just got tasted and mmmmm-ed? I like music, movies, used to like reading books, teaching and a whole lot of blogging!

Maithili: We know of your love for blogging so we will move on to the teaching. Are you like that Miss Chandni from ‘Mein hoon na’ kind of a teacher?
Suruchi: Haha...how I wish-if not her IQ her statistics would do! But naah, no saree ka palloo lehraaoinghere and no Shahrukh Khan types students either. Though I manage to get one or two doting ones every year!

Maithili: Boys will be boys and every boy has a crush on one of his teacher in his school time. Any experience of the same?
Suruchi: There have been some cute students who have studied with me in senior classes and grown really fond-like one has become a pilot and still keeps in touch, another is working in the US and manages to find time for me whenever he comes visiting home. Baaki sab compliments try karte hain-just so that the teaching time gets reduced as ma'am would get all flushed and smug.

Maithili: Any pranks that you remember in particular?
Suruchi: Okay, there have been some funny ones. Like when I was teaching in a school many, many years ago, there was an essay to be written on “Nehru and his Public life” and there was this prankster of a boy who deliberately omitted the alphabet “L” in public on the entire page just to see me cringe. I made him read the essay in front of the whole class and watch him self-correct his speech, though a bit sheepishly. Then there was this little girl with whom I was doing genders-I asked her the Feminine of ram (male sheep) and she answered very confidently-Sita. Such recurring experiences light up an otherwise boring teaching day sometimes.

Maithili: Ohhh so smart students I would say! What's the most memorable line used by a student to hit on you?
SuruchI: Tch, koi memorable line nahi yaar-very non-innovative types I must say-fortunately or unfortunately they don't go beyond the "Ma'am you are looking very nice today" or "Ma'am, new haircut...niiiiiceeee"
Maithili: For getting hooked their cool ma'am helps them right? I did read somewhere that you give them ideas *looks smug*
Suruchi: Yes, ma'am-guilty for doing that a couple of times with completely love-lost soul-as in they were so droopy with hopeless unrequited love that they could give gravity a run for its money.
Suruchi: Baaki I am a very serious teacher by the way, just in case some student/student's mom stumbles upon DOV-it is hugely popular now, you know.

Maithili: Now who wouldn't want a teacher like that! No wonder you enjoy such popularity. Now turning on to your blog, more than 200 followers and in a way they have all become audience to your life now. Doesn't that make you apprehensive to post everything that comes to your mind?
Suruchi: Not at all because there is no other way that I know of writing than being blunt and personal. I don't know a flying fig about politics or social issues-all I can do is rip myself apart with the outrageous to gather some laughter or together strip the ridiculous that I see around.
And god has been kind to keep me in insane situations for these 200 people to be entertained. In fact when everything's going in order and as per my plans and very methodical, I know I have missed something. Although trust me there is loads I wanna talk about that I can't for the very reason that there are many known people among the readers.

Maithili: Do your family members read it? Has your writing ever bothered your other half?
Suruchi: My family members read my blog occasionally (like when I pull them by the collar and make them sit before the screen with a bucketful of emotional blackmail) and my better half says that he is “content with half the world reading me as he has better things to do with me instead." So gets away with "Absent" marked on My Tumbling Thoughts. Besides, he knows I am mostly bantering and exaggerating and harmless like a jalebi.
Maithili: Well, you are indeed lucky to have G support you to write what you want!
Suruchi: Yes, it has developed into a mutually comfortable zone. Stupidity is not a crime, so I get away with it. He knows I love being me and I love him just being.

Suruchi: Though sometimes I toy with the idea of an anonymous blog. You know where I can crib about my mother-in-law, do loads of blah-blah on sex and not watch eyebrows being raised and stuff and also flirt my guts out without bothering about my sindoor...sigh!
Maithili: That is every woman's dream my lady! Although you do have that option at DOV.
Suruchi: I know right, but then DOV went on to become hugely popular, so you never know. We'll let some secrets lie silent in my little heart. I decided both of us-my blog and me, can't look good at the same time, so I juggle between doing one thing good at a time.

Maithili: Speaking about looking good, why are we not getting any beauty tips from the Beauty Queen?
Suruchi: Because the Beauty Queen is losing her throne sitting so much on the net that her butt is growing too big for it! Koi beauty nahi hain yaar...it is just strategic clicking of pictures.
Maithili: Now you are being humble! Didn't you win a beauty contest once?
Suruchi: Oh my god-how did you get that random fact? This was in school farewell where I was crowned the Miss SMC and that was also probably due to the fact that I was the School Captain and hence popular. And sometimes not just love is blind-judges can be too.
Maithili: I told you I came prepared to interview you! Not too many people can be blind to your beauty darling!
Suruchi: Awwww...and full marks to Ms Perfectionist! Anyways, those who compliment us for our beauty-you know all that shoo-shaa on Fb n all...at some level, every woman knows how to demarcate between flattery for a purpose and genuine appreciation. There are very few genuine things and people around these days.

Maithili: Yes agreed on that part.. You are one blogger who speaks her mind, shares her photos and adds bloggers to her facebook account. What would you say about private life on public domain? Where does one draw a line?
Suruchi: See it is all very individualistic. I feel that if I am reading someone's thoughts over a period of time on his blog page or he on mine, there is no reason why he may not get admission into my space on facebook. And I am always the one who believes in seeing good in people till they absolutely prove it otherwise. One may and should share about their lives on blogs/social networking sites, etc. Otherwise what else is the purpose of these-we don't want to hear inspirational quotes on statuses which we can any day hear on Astha Channel on the idiot box. Although one must be careful of whom they are allowing into their private sphere for sure, especially the young girls

Maithili: A very good perspective on this! This already looks like a good topic for discussion!
Suruchi: You know a lot of people have told me to be discreet on my blog, like there was an anonymous comment once and the person said-
 “I know where you live, when you go for a walk, how many times you have sex and whom you have had crushes on...Don't you think your entire life is out there?”
And I thought even if it was, so what? Just because I wrote a post on having sex 5 times a week, does not mean that I am inviting entries for it or the fact that where I go for a walk, would make readers want to travel all the way to Kanpur to kidnap me? Bull shit is expected but not accepted!

Maithili: Wow lady! A very bold take on this! You have not written for the discussion on blog this month. Any reason?
Suruchi: Naah, just not finding time Miaths-Seeya keeps me on the toes and the festivities keep me dressed like a cake, so leaves me with less of what I really want to do. But even regarding the virginity issue-I feel it is no longer such an awaited moment as it used to be before...youngsters have little hang ups about being physical and it is growing rather silly to expect to marry virgins. Although I always tell my young friends or anyone who asks me for this advice -even if you have been in relationships, there is no need to be Satyavadi Harish Chandra to your newly married husband and vomit it all. Many men still have an ego when it comes to knowing "their" girl has been physically intimate with someone before.

Maithili: But don't you think a relation should start with a plain slate? The partners should have prior info on each other?
Suruchi: It is alright when one is being friendly with someone and then gradually a relationship develops. But in arranged marriages, one should not take the risk. And while detailing everywhere else helps, not here, when it comes to describing about your colourful past! I mean there is no reason why the naya naya husband should have to sit through a meet-my-reality session on a couch.

Maithili: Turning on from the in depth discussion to the rapid fire round now
You would have to answer these very quick!
Suruchi: Yes, but Seeya's got up from her sleep and I'll try my best to keep her from pressing onto the keys.

Maithili: 5 words which describe Suruchi-only FIVE words.
Suruchi: Lively, dependable, witty, loving and charming.

Maithili: What would do the first thing if you turned a man RIGHT now?
Suruchi: You mean what I would do to a turned on man or what I would do to turn a man on...my god, just a few words, change it all, doesn't it?
Maithili: Yes, if you turned into a man?
Suruchi: Oh, I would go and propose to a whole lot of women using as many pick up lines as possible without the fear of hearing "Tere ghar mein ma-behen nahi hain kya?” and being affected by it.
Maithili: Although I’m all ears now to hear the answer to the "turned on" man question too!
Suruchi: Haha...which part? It is easy to turn on men yaar-may be coz they are technically never turned off. They just go on a "silent" mode
Maithili: Hehe well said madame.

Maithili: If you were a type of food what would you be?
Suruchi: Chocolates, of course, they can be used in so many ways and so pleasurable-what else can be as gratifying?
Maithili: You would like to be used in those gratifying ways? Ahaan?
Suruchi: Nopes, I would like to be pleasurable, all said and done.

Maithili: If you were written about in the newspaper, on the front page, what would the headline say?
Suruchi: The headline would probably say-"A little known blogger shoots to stardom after world-wide internet sites come crashing down due to hits made on her bog"....very lame, I know, but the write up following it would be juicy as there would be mini world wars for me. Such complacent souls we are-zyaada kuch nahi maangte! There is an angel inside of me, whom I am constantly shocking!
Maithili: Well I don't mind you shooting to fame but crashing www could be heart breaking for me.
Suruchi: haha...it has to be dhamaakedar na.

Maithili: What's the most touching thing G has done for you?
Suruchi: Well, besides always wanting to be touchy, once in the early years of our marriage, I was in a really sad mood and almost cried on the phone, he came home from office, during the middle of the day and stayed with me for a couple of hours-that was a great gesture from someone who's a work-o-holic. He keeps doing little things every now and then which matter more than the big ones
Maithili: Awww that is really what matters right?
Suruchi: Yes, he isn't the types to sing songs or write poetry or read my blogs to show that he cares...but he is the kinds to bring a chocolate without fail on every Karva Chauth, to take my side when I am cribbing about something until i simmer down, to respect my parents a whole lot, even more than me, ask me what bothers me even after I tell him a hundred times that it is nothing...and all this makes a huge difference at the end of the day.
Maithili: Indeed you are a lucky woman..
Suruchi: Thank you.

                                  That's Suruchi, Seeya and G

Maithili: What turns you on instantly?
Suruchi: Gimme a witty conversationalist-any day! Wit and a good repartee-it starts and ends with it.

Maithili: Have you ever Adam teased?
Suruchi: Oh tons of times-in college we used to gang up at popular hang outs and tease some shy ones with loud comments made randomly. And then there were the times of prank calls.

Maithili: And what is the naughtiest thing you have done in such pranks?
Suruchi: I managed to get clicked with a very cute guy, first asking him to click a picture for us and then generally chit chatting and eventually he became like a group buddy-ah, good old school days!
Suruchi: Maiths, I have to go as Seeya is refusing to get distracted...can we finish this later in the evening?
Maithili: ok sure, we will continue this session later.


Maithili: Hey welcome back to the interview.
Suruchi: Hi, thank you.
Maithili: So we were at the rapid fire round...
Suruchi: Oh god, still? Yes ma'am, shoot.
Maithili: When you enter a room what is the general reaction you get?
Suruchi: Big smiles, a mischievous wink sometimes and a general pleasant welcome and where I don't get these-I just don't enter. Also often people expect me to walk in and they give me the expectant look that ah, here she comes-now make us laugh.
Maithili: So you are the bubbly types who set the party on fire!
Suruchi: Often yes, also because I am so full of double meaning statements

Maithili: Tell me who is the person who you first turn to, when you are upset?
Suruchi: The first person used to be my mom...now there are friends coz mom used to end up being more upset than me and I ended cheering her up than being cheered. I have been blessed to find some of my best friends through the blogosphere.
Maithili: That is great! And here come to the end of the rapid fire round.
Suruchi: Phew! Thank god...I don't like rapid things so much.
Maithili: You gave some swift and smart replies! So a pat on your back for this round!
Suruchi: Thank you, thank you...Don't I get a coffee hamper or something?
Maithili: Ah we wish we could give away those, but we are pretty much bankrupt here at DOV. Okay so moving on from rapid fire, we have last two questions. Every woman goes through a rough patch... Any experience you would like to share- in love, marriage, friends or motherhood?

Suruchi: Ah, well, I had a very rough time before my daughter Seeya came along-it was almost ten years of trying for a baby and not succeeding that took its toll on me and me too. But then things looked up! There were times when you lose faith in yourself, god and those around you...when all actions are doubted as though they are aimed at a set motive-it was the lowest point in my life...and then we found Seeya. She's been like a bright star though a very twinkling one-going on and off with mischief and trouble to awakening a very dormant motherly feeling in me.

Maithili: Well Seeya is most definitely the brightest spark in your life. Also I am proud of you for giving Seeya such a wonderful life.
Suruchi: You know it was not like the easiest or most natural decision for me. I was unlike most girls who grow up with dreams of a husband and house and children-I almost never saw me doing or with all that. I was too busy doing my own things and went along with the flow. A child has brought stability in me which I lacked. And she is magnetic when it comes to gathering attention and affection.
                                     Like mother like daughter..

Maithili: I have seen that in the thousand expressions your princess gives for the camera!
Suruchi: Haha, she's gone on me-the chocolate and burger fetish, the insane love with the camera, the mockery of horror stories or anything conjured to scare her, wet kisses, nautanki and smiling to get away with stuff-I guess influences rub in.
Maithili: She is tailor made to be your daughter!
Suruchi: Or perhaps we were separated at god ji ke tailor ka mela to unite again on earth.I just hope she is not half as mad and as yearning to flirt as I am
Maithili: Ahh, now you are going to have a tough time with that.
Suruchi: I know-keeping away prying boys and the escalating curiosity of little girls-OH MY GOD!

                                       She learn't it early- the posing from her mom!

Maithili: And finally we come to the question- Suruchi's life-any regrets or guilt?
Suruchi: Yes, the only regret is I should have studied more and done something with my life before succumbing to the marriage pressure. It is absolutely necessary that girls learn to stand on their feet and make their mark before shaadi, though I make up for it in my little ways.
And guilt-naaah! What we do wrong, we make amends and life goes on-nothing is forever and neither is no one.

Maithili: Thank you Suruchi for your wonderful interview for DOV
Suruchi: You are most welcome Maiths, it was my pleasure. It was like talking so much about ME for a change-thank you for giving me my celebrity moment. Lemme circulate some muaaaahs also in the air, just for the perfect closure.


Freelancer on October 21, 2011 at 10:01 PM said...

damn she is married!!! damn damn damn

fun interview it was...wish i prepared my questions.. and you are a teacher aaah....

I remember a couple of hot teachers in my school who made school bearable. always made sure i sat near her as much as possible and sniff at her perfume whenever she passed by :P plus adored the way she used to ruffle my hair sometimes. You should do that to ur students too :P but i can't guarantee that it wont turn them on :P

You are a sweetheart. Glad to know you better.

And love the pics. I love the baby... i want one too. Let me call up my girlfriend :P Love the baby, drools at the mom and is jealous of the hubby :P

Its a pleasure knowing you
*takes a bow*

P.S| thanks maithili for this tete-a-tete

maithili on October 21, 2011 at 10:09 PM said...

Thanks FL :) I totally lovvve those pics and even before I took the interview I had them figured out!!
Even I loveee Seeya! And looking at her even I long for a baby ;)

vixie on October 21, 2011 at 10:17 PM said...

this is soooooooooooooooo superrrrrr niiiiiiiiccccccccccceeeeeeeeeeee..!!!!

Suruchi you are soooo pretty yaaa..!!!
m sure all the guys in the class might be *sighing* for their teacher..!!!
see you already have a fan here..
ain't i right freelancer..!! :P:P:P

and your darling lil princess is sooooo cute..!!!
m sure she is like a blessing in your life..!!
i too want a baby now :P:P

it was really nice knowing you ..!!

maithz..thankyou so much for the interview..!!

Suruchi on October 22, 2011 at 12:58 AM said...

Haha...so many stories I hear about students having this thing for teachers...and the ruffling part is done with the chota waala bachchas-bade waales get ruffled in places we don’t want them to;-)

Thank you so much for the super generous praise...all the drooling and jealousy just made my night...oh wait, okay started the process of making my night;-)It was totally my pleasure to hear so many “damn” together...damn, that was good!:-)

Suruchi on October 22, 2011 at 1:01 AM said...

Thank you so much baby for taking out so much time to make these amazing questions and also like I always say-being amazing as you are:-)
And my god, so much longing for a baby, you are all welcome to babysit mine any day:-)

Suruchi on October 22, 2011 at 1:01 AM said...

Thank you dear and there is no sighing...just a whole lot of fun in the classroom and I like it that way...Seeya is a sweetheart and like I said, magnetically pulls love and attention her way*touchwood too*
It is really nice to see people feeling nice about knowing me:-)

Shady on October 22, 2011 at 7:20 AM said...

I actually read it all .

You know that's gonna cost ya 10 grand more ;-)

And BTW M sure did her home work . Hats off to her and S what goes off for you is your wish .

Suruchi on October 22, 2011 at 8:53 AM said...

Hain na...when you see the length of the post at the first instance you think, chuck it man, no chick is worth it, especially a married one and a mun;-)

And 10 grands more?????? Nahhiiiinnnnn...acha chalo abhi 10 se kaam chala lo, grands would follow...ten big hugs:-)

Thank you for spending your morning on me:-)

Suruchi on October 22, 2011 at 8:58 AM said...

I so wish all my blogger friends were my students-what an enlightening class it would be!:-)

There are whole lot of bhanwraas but they just mandrao n meander:-)

It was such a pressure seeing you all wait for the interview...especially since you were fabulous in your interview...but so glad this came out well too:-)

Suruchi on October 22, 2011 at 8:58 AM said...

I so wish all my blogger friends were my students-what an enlightening class it would be!:-)

There are whole lot of bhanwraas but they just mandrao n meander:-)

It was such a pressure seeing you all wait for the interview...especially since you were fabulous in your interview...but so glad this came out well too:-)

Suruchi on October 22, 2011 at 8:58 AM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alka Gurha on October 22, 2011 at 11:34 AM said...

Guys are rightly lamenting the fact that Suru is married.
That Suru has great taste is a fact..she reads my blog.

Ha ha no just joking she looks awesome and dresses very well.
And Nehrus Pub#ic life was a cracker.

Khushboo W on October 22, 2011 at 12:23 PM said...

Aww! Suruchi,you're married? I didn't know that! You've a really great husband and such a cute daughter! I soo wanna meet her and pull her cheeks! And my *hugs* go out to you and Maithili as well!
Also, you're students are smart re! :D :D

Vinati on October 22, 2011 at 2:21 PM said...

I used to believe that english teachers are usually very beautiful but now I'm all the more confident about it. :)

Wow!! Seeya is a darling. And I really like her name! <3

Suruchi, you are one hell of an amazing person. It was a pleasure reading this interview and knowing more about you.

And Maithili, from where did you learn such fantastic skills of interviewing? Teach me some.

Suruchi on October 22, 2011 at 3:20 PM said...

Yes, I do have great taste and love reading your blog..you are one of the most amazingly witty women in the blogosphere:-)
And itneeeeeeeeee saare taaref ki liye itneeeeeeeeeee saare thank you:-)
Hain na, I will never forget Nehru’s pub(l)ic life episode!

Suruchi on October 22, 2011 at 3:20 PM said...

@Paanipuri Lover,
My god, everyone thought I was single??????? Wow, that should be the best outcome of this interview, the realization that still I might be able to fool people into believing that I only look old, I am not really;-)
Thank you for reading and yes, my students are very smart....you should hear the other more scandalizing stories:-)

Suruchi on October 22, 2011 at 3:20 PM said...

Thank you so much...it is amazing how people find me beautiful when technically and in the conservative sense of the word I am not...Like Alks said, I carry myself fine and so it is a different story.
Anyways, point is I always admire myself more as the person than the body*yes, we are vain also sometimes*:-)
Thank you for taking out time here:-)

Chandana on October 22, 2011 at 5:31 PM said...

English was my favorite subject in school... maybe because I always topped it! ;) we had some lovely teachers for English and i was always their pet! So whenever i meet anyone who says he/she is an English teacher i automatically form an instant bond with them!

Your interview was worth the wait and Maiths sure did her homework to make it even more interesting... But now Suruchi you've set such a high standard for us that all our interviews are going to sound so plain and boring next to yours!!!

maithili on October 23, 2011 at 1:03 PM said...

@meoww: it was totally my pleasure to interview Suruchi :)

@Suruchi : IT was so much funn!! Yeah I m all for babysitting Seeya :)

@MSM : Thanks :)

@Paanipuri lover : thanks for the hug and yes a biggg hug back :)

@Vinati : practice makes the interviews become better :)

@Chandana: Don't worry I will make it a point to not make any of the interviews repetitive :) Yours will be awesome as well :)

Smita on October 23, 2011 at 3:09 PM said...

Firstly, I loved the title for the post :)
secondly, the interviewer and the interviewee , both are awesome!
thirdly, the questions were superb, and the answers to them, were more superb..
next, suruchi you are just so beautiful and lucky :D you have such an adorable daughter and family :) and getting to know about such a nice person is one of the good things happened to me via dov. :) nice knowing all about you :)

maithili, good job.
a big round of applause for giving us all such a wonderful piece to read about such a lovely person :)
Cheers :)

Suruchi on October 24, 2011 at 7:36 PM said...

I can see very well that you would have topped at English in school-the write ups are brilliant and so well phrased:-)
And yes, bonding-bonding it is:-)

Haaaaw, I thought my interview would be all sob-sob and story-story!
Maiths said we did just fine and see we actually did! So I guess we all would rock in our ways for we have such different things to bring on board:-)
Thank you for being so super kind with me here:)

Suruchi on October 24, 2011 at 7:36 PM said...

Modest-shodest nahi yaar...I painfully extract compliments jab seedhe ungli se nahi nikalte-you’ll see that on my facebook page;-)

Thanks a million-DOV, you and all this happening here makes me truly and blissfully happy:-)

Suruchi on October 24, 2011 at 7:39 PM said...

Thank you so much for such awesome things you said:-)
It is equally nice for me to know such nice bloggers like you, I almost and actually feel like a celebrity now...I hope I don’t start throwing my weight around-anyone ready to catch?;-)

Dr Roshan Radhakrishnan on October 24, 2011 at 11:43 PM said...

how could i possibly not share this, my dear ? :)

Suruchi on October 25, 2011 at 9:30 AM said...

*alternating between blush/smile/blush/smile*
Thank you!

sobhit on October 25, 2011 at 11:02 AM said...

isme kuch naya ni mila padne ko apke bare :P... yeh toh sab pata hi tha abt u suruchiji.. still chit chat converstaions always nice 2 read...

congrats on d celebrity status tho :P... next up OPRAH :P :P

sobhit on October 25, 2011 at 11:03 AM said...

n DOV matlba darling of venus na?? ya sm kewl lingo sorts :P :P

Suruchi on October 27, 2011 at 7:07 PM said...

Thanks Sobhit,
But I loved the experience:-)
And koi Oprah-shoprah nahi yaar!

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