Yes, this is in dedication
to the big fat clan I belong to-The Arora battalion as I like to fondly call
them. I hail from a very widely spread out family tree whose roots and branches
are hell bent on spreading in as far a direction as would be physically
possible for them. Often people ask me, ‘So how many people are there in your
in-laws?’ And I say, ‘You name an in-law that should be and surely would a hand
be raised to mark present!’

I remember the time I had
just got engaged to my dearly beloved. Before putting a tick mark on me by the
‘boy’ there had to be a preview of the ‘girl’ from the boy’s side. So a meeting
was arranged in a temple ground and my mom, me and a family friend who got the
negotiations started, waited there under the shade of a tree with bated breath,
to let them come and the on-the-display ceremony to commence. A big car came to
a screeching halt, followed by another car not so big. I was wondering if a
police escort drill is under way, when there emerged a seasoned smart lady,
followed by another and then yet another and ho!ho! another still! A pretty
young thing came out next and then another and another and more galore! Made me
wonder how just two cars could have possibly contained so many people or did
they sit on each other’s laps and in the bonnet and come?

Anyways, I passed the
litmus test and also finally the boy-meeting-the-girl- test which was strictly "private"-just twenty people from
the clan as against four of mine with
flying colours because my dearly beloved says he was hooked at first sight. The
‘rooka’ ceremony at my beloved’s home soon came by and yo-ho, more members and
more introductions! I was almost tempted to check the closets to ascertain if
there were few of them hiding in there because they kept tumbling out at
astonishingly regular intervals. 'Beta, yeh hain bade papa, yeh chote papa, yeh
Abc papa, yeh Cde papa and more papas and chachas and tayajis and buas and
masis and mamis' and endless list of cousins popping out and asking, bhabhi, you
remember me don’t you? Ya sure, I would say-you are the cute one, you are the
intelligent one, you are the sweet one because honest to goodness, I would be
damned if I said I remembered what their parents addressed them with yes, diplomacy is my middle name sometimes. Since the gift envelopes in my hand were doubling
with the same lightning speed, I gave up counting heads in a while for even
in utter helplessness we women tend to not lose sight of monetary delights
amassing within our reach to splurge.
After that was the toe touching
ritual. I was pleading to bhagwan ji in my mind-why can’t they all just stand in a
line so in one breathe I go about touching everyone’s feet and get over with it. I was even contemplating to suggest the flying-toe touching version like the flying kiss ones. I mean, I had to
bend and then stand, bend again and straighten up, hold the neck of my kurta from sinking dangerously low and
then bend again. I truly believe that severe back aches in women are an
indirect outcome of the toe touching rituals that they are subjected to and
also if everyone lived in joint families like these they would not need gyming never mind the fact that I still do-it proves I am exceptional
in more ways than one.
At the next meeting with
my dearly beloved, I went all armed to face the crisis-a big art sheet, a
pencil and a rubber. I drew a big tree and then a flowchart of the members and
their siblings with offspring and their off springs and any other extensions I
should know of. All names neatly written and relations enumerated for me to go
home and mug up and also tell my parents so that they do not commit any blunders that cause the words, "Baraat wapas le chalo" uttered at the mandap and me saying a long, screeching 'Naaahiinnnnn!' And here I had thought
my education days were over! My father-
in-law has four real brothers and a sister and then his father had many
siblings and thereby a cartload of chachas and cousins whom I don’t think I
would be able to humanly categorize or recognize even now or ever in this
So like this, a nuclear
family girl got entry into a big household, thronged with people of all shapes
and sizes, egos and magnanimities, sweetness and sourness-and boy what a ride
it has been!
![]() |
If we could ever collect everyone at one place to be clicked, we'd probably look like this! |
I can relate very well to it.. we are a battalion of Sharma Parivaar.. :D
But then I love it.. having loved one's in each and every nook and corner of Lucknow with so many cousins. And then so many parties(family) to attend. Just unimaginable but awesome.
Weakest LINK
Awww! You are one lucky girl! Joint families are so super, I tell you, 'cause i live in one! And if by mistake I getmarried and have a nuclear family, God forbid, but all hell will break loose! My family has pampered me, loved me, stood by me and I love it! Who'll pull my hair and who'll pick up a fight with me, if I were in a nuclear family? Who'll support me in my mischievous schemes, if it is not my chachu! I love my family!
And as for your family, I know you love 'em too! Lovable they seem!
Nice post! Makes a very interesting read! :D
Fun read there Suruchi...I've wanted to get wed into a whole big banyan tree kinda family too, but now that it's happenning it's scaring me to the hilt...each one is a namoona and I can tolerate them only in small doses. I wonder what I'll do when we'll have to share the roof!!! Guess it goes with the territory and we all will learn to live with it. So how many have you contributed to the Arora battalion?
I don't know half of even my own family members, nuclear family bred outside state and all that, so you have my envy there, Madame.
And please tell me the toothbrushes are not for real!:D
I don't know whether to laugh or go awww because the way you ended is on a very different note from where you started:D
Either way, a Suruchiworthy post, as always.
I have tasted a joint family too. Hahhah this was such a warm, cut yet funny post. I loved the way you brought the points out. You do your work really well mam!
You are blessed is all I can say....with writing skills as well as a loving caring, BIG family.
I seriously loveee the bigg family! All festivals become so much more enjoyable and yes you always have someone to back up for you when you are getting shouted at :P :P
I live in a nuclear family so I really can't say how it would be in a joint family.. What can I say, you are truly lucky to be in such a family!
I know right-the party never ends in a joint family...there is always someone’s birthday or anniversary...a new baby born or a job acquired. But then you need as many clothes and dressing up as a cake!
The fun part often discounts for it though:-)
@Paanipuri Lover,
I always feel that girls of a particular set up of family should venture into a similar one-like joint family girls find it very lonely to go into nuclear families and those used to of independence and a handful of people, find it intimidating to run into a mela and interference in a joint set up:-)
Some handle the transition well, some don’t!
Thank you for reading:-)
@The Dragon,
Oh wow, you are getting married!:-)
Haha and you so sound like me for I am also a very private kinda person and can handle people only in small doses-never you mind...with time you’ll find ways of moving around and with everyone:-)
And I have contributed just one daughter to the battalion although she is as good as an army for she really is THAT mischievous :-)
Actually not knowing family members is also exciting-there are always chances of meeting cute cousins and distant cool relatives:-)
Those toothbrushes were found on the net-agar sach mein mere ghar mein aisa hota then I would have preferred carrying the brushes in my purse(actually eloping-but never mind that)
Thank you for always appreciating and yes, I never know myself how I begin and how I end:-)
Thank you so much-though I really didn’t do here was all done and I was done for;-)
You are such a sweetheart:-)
And here’s wishing back the blessings to you too:-)
Thank you and yes, the sorrows become bearable and joys doubled:-)
haha... i was laughing all through the post! I come from a huge joint family too and its just going on increasing.. all my cousins got married into families that are just as huge.. so now whenever we meet.. its like an army! The kind of support u enjoy from joint family is great.. it has a lot of advantages but there are times when i crave for a little privacy!
Yes, absolutely...sometimes you feel there are to many people breathing down your neck and sometimes you feel all snug in the same warmth...
That's how everything in life is na? You can't live with or without them:-)
Thanks for appreciating:-)
Even i have my relatives living near by and i cold soo relate to ur post. recently married 'bhabhi's' keep on asking us as to who is who in the get togethrs!
But having a joint family is like a party every weekend...u really dont need anybody else :D
Sigh! How I wish I had a family like that. Mine is a registered marriage against my in-laws wishes and I have not been introduced to the Gupta clan yet :D
It is not as glorious as it seems on the surface, or at least not always...but yes, get togethers do get a special charge when you realize half the people in the big fat party are on your side by blood:-)
Wow, that sounds sooooooooooo adventurous-and never mind the clan when you have a sweet husband with a plan;-)
Thank is funny at some time and fun at another:-)
And thank god for the love showered otherwise living with so many inspecting and suggesting eyes would have taken me for a spin:-)
haha!! :P nice read ;)
The toothbrush picture literally freaked me out!!!
Man! hats off to you.. :) i don't think i would ever be able to handle a huuugggeee family! :D
Thanks Viya,
That toothbrush picture is sooooooooo awesome-It could be used by the Family Planning Commission as a deterrent;-)
And thank you, sometimes I wonder it would be nice if I had more hats too off them for myself time and again;-)
whoa whoa actually sounds like a suraj barjatya style movie..with all the super duper dhamaka..hmm..i have always lived in a nuclear family..just me and my parents..hmm..i always feel i have missed out on so many things..:(:(:(
and it must be tough handle such a huge clan..phew..kudos lady..:):):)
and i loved the was such a warm description..:) lots of love to you and your family..:):) cheers :)
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