Yelo!! :)
Sorry for not posting earlier.. lot of things have kept me busy and ahem.. mainly p-bug bit me hard!..
Anyywwayyy, coming to the topic of this month, 'The men in my life', I've been thinking hard for quiet sometime if there's any one man who's made a lot of difference in my life and I jus can't make up my mind if its daddy dearest or the cuddly grandada or the boyfriend or one of the few guy friends I have...
I share a treasured memory with each one of them and each relationship I share with a person is so different from the other..
The doctor uncle... If it wasn't for him, I don't think I would have survived to see this day today...Each time he distracted me with those stories while giving me those hundreds of injections... The origami birds and a pink lolly pop for being a good girl and taking in all those bitter medicines...
The ever there for me daddy.. who used to cheer me up with those board games everytime i fell sick (and mind you.. as a child, i spent more time in the hospital itself :(.. ) or buyin me those expensive art stuff without amma's knowledge or taking me out to eat the street food he used to enjoy as a kid or jus giving him that hug as soon as he used to get back home from work... those simple li'l things in life gave me so much happiness...
The grandada whom we all used to fondly called as Apappa, who passed away when i was about 7 years old.. I have faint memories of him carrying me back home from the Play home... Letting me play doctor doctor with those plastic syringes of his... Spinning wonderful stories and letting me doze away on his fluffy tummy.. Teaching me how to eat mango the 'messy' way... I wish i could have known Apappa more.. All i have now are the pictures of him which my grandmum has stored in a beautiful album....
VK.. He literally changed my life... I can hardly remember my life before I met him... I am so glad we found each other in our early teens and we've literally grown up together and bonded and survived through all ups and downs.. Of course we have different interests, likes etc and i still dunno what made me fall in love with him so much!.. I guess somethings are jus best unanswered... I can honestly, from the bottom of my heart say, he's my pillar of strength...
Apart from them of course there have been Timb and Joe who literally changed my perspective on 'boys can't be friends'.. I hated the notion of 'rakhi brothers' and restrained from friendship with boys.. I guess the first year study trip and the hilarious duo made me want to get to know them more and ever since, they have been one of the bestestest friends ever!!! :) ...
Even though Men are known to be physically strong and emotionally 'sensitive' and stuff like that, I really think 'The man' of my life has been my mom... My amma... She may not be as soft hearted as daddy dearest but she's literally the strong 'super-fevi bond' that has kept this family going for ages... The way she manages the house and yet has carved a name for herself in the society as a gazetted officer and a dancer, the way she literally has given us the courage to pull ourselves up from each time we tripped over something and pushed us into 'never give up kanna', the way she has been supportive throughout everything in my life... yep.. she's truly the Man in my life...
Sorry for not posting earlier.. lot of things have kept me busy and ahem.. mainly p-bug bit me hard!..
Anyywwayyy, coming to the topic of this month, 'The men in my life', I've been thinking hard for quiet sometime if there's any one man who's made a lot of difference in my life and I jus can't make up my mind if its daddy dearest or the cuddly grandada or the boyfriend or one of the few guy friends I have...
I share a treasured memory with each one of them and each relationship I share with a person is so different from the other..
The doctor uncle... If it wasn't for him, I don't think I would have survived to see this day today...Each time he distracted me with those stories while giving me those hundreds of injections... The origami birds and a pink lolly pop for being a good girl and taking in all those bitter medicines...
The ever there for me daddy.. who used to cheer me up with those board games everytime i fell sick (and mind you.. as a child, i spent more time in the hospital itself :(.. ) or buyin me those expensive art stuff without amma's knowledge or taking me out to eat the street food he used to enjoy as a kid or jus giving him that hug as soon as he used to get back home from work... those simple li'l things in life gave me so much happiness...
The grandada whom we all used to fondly called as Apappa, who passed away when i was about 7 years old.. I have faint memories of him carrying me back home from the Play home... Letting me play doctor doctor with those plastic syringes of his... Spinning wonderful stories and letting me doze away on his fluffy tummy.. Teaching me how to eat mango the 'messy' way... I wish i could have known Apappa more.. All i have now are the pictures of him which my grandmum has stored in a beautiful album....
VK.. He literally changed my life... I can hardly remember my life before I met him... I am so glad we found each other in our early teens and we've literally grown up together and bonded and survived through all ups and downs.. Of course we have different interests, likes etc and i still dunno what made me fall in love with him so much!.. I guess somethings are jus best unanswered... I can honestly, from the bottom of my heart say, he's my pillar of strength...
Apart from them of course there have been Timb and Joe who literally changed my perspective on 'boys can't be friends'.. I hated the notion of 'rakhi brothers' and restrained from friendship with boys.. I guess the first year study trip and the hilarious duo made me want to get to know them more and ever since, they have been one of the bestestest friends ever!!! :) ...
Even though Men are known to be physically strong and emotionally 'sensitive' and stuff like that, I really think 'The man' of my life has been my mom... My amma... She may not be as soft hearted as daddy dearest but she's literally the strong 'super-fevi bond' that has kept this family going for ages... The way she manages the house and yet has carved a name for herself in the society as a gazetted officer and a dancer, the way she literally has given us the courage to pull ourselves up from each time we tripped over something and pushed us into 'never give up kanna', the way she has been supportive throughout everything in my life... yep.. she's truly the Man in my life...