May 31, 2019

Pregnant fears

Posted by Narayani Karthik at 2:33 PM

Realizing too many blessings at times is overwhelming...
For fear of losing them is as strong and unrelenting..

Sometimes, the realization helps better by keeping the feet on the ground...
But at times, it also weakens the core with pregnant fears that make the mind morose and unsound...

People say, get over your fears...for fear is a sign of weakness...
But will they ever know, how much it takes to not let the unknown demons from the mind's harness?

Mind, a contorted abyss can never be explained in mere words of Math and Science...
Even as humans claim to know it all about the submissive body and the unrestrained mind....

While words set me free for a while, I wonder....where do these pregnant fears stem from?
The answers, I believe are linked with my life' purpose, a pandora box of soothing shores and raging storms!

Maybe, pregnant fears follow me for a reason....
To see the unseen, to feel the hear the unsaid...while sailing through every season!


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